LP Magazine EU










web and mobile fraud

Cyber criminals cost the UK £11 billion in 2015

New figures show that on average cyber-crime left each person over the age of 16 in the UK £210 worse off – but the actual cost could be much higher.

The current figures only take into account incidents registered with the national reporting centre Action Fraud, according to Get Safe Online (GSO).

More than a third of those who told GSO they had been victims of online crime admitted they had not reported the incident - meaning the overall amount lost in the UK could be much higher.

Last year, victims of cyber-crime in the UK lost an average of £523 each, Get Safe Online reported.

A survey found more than half of victims (53%) had received fraudulent emails or messages which attempted to direct them to websites where their personal information could have been stolen.

Just under 30% said they had been contacted by someone who was trying to trick them into giving away personal information.

A tenth had had their email or social media accounts hacked.

Get Safe Online chief executive Tony Neate said: "The fact that the UK is losing nearly £11 billion to cyber criminals is frightening and highlights the need for each and every one of us to make sure we are taking our online safety seriously".

He added: "Let's not let cyber criminals get away with it anymore by ensuring that each and every one of us is updating the operating systems of our various devices and ensuring security software is always updated".

Mr Neate said it was important for people to ensure they use a different password for each online account they have and website they visit.

He urged people to review their passwords and ensure they are strong.

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