LP Magazine EU








Retail environment

Click & Collect Returns Research – Retailers Needed

The ECR Community Shrink and OSA Group is looking for retailers to participate in a short telephone survey with the academics from the University of Portsmouth who are looking at the loss prevention challenges related to the "buy online, return to store" customer proposition. 

To date, they have acquired some excellent insights from four retailer case studies but the next step of the project is to carry out short (20 minute) phone interviews with around 25 retail organisations.  

The interview will cover 4 areas:

  1. A high-level overview of your company (size, type of products you deal with etc.).
  2. An understanding of your returns process.  Do you have a central returns centre?  How are the returns are handled?  
  3. Some finance questions. These are not questions relating to detailed financial data - they will cover items such as the percentage of customer returns form online sales, if there is a value under which you do not process returns back into stock, and a few questions about how losses and returns are treated in the company from a financial perspective.
  4. Returned goods.  Looking at packaging and whether items are reprocessed.

No confidential or sensitive information will be collected, and neither you or your company details will be identified in any of the reports or publications.

To take part or for more information please contact Sally-Ann Krzyzaniak at the University of Portsmouth.  Sally can be contacted at: sally-ann.krzyzaniak@port.ac.uk.

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