LP Magazine EU










law enforcement

Collaborating to cut crime

The National Business Crime Solution (NBCS) received information from a member business about a team involved in price switching thefts in the Gloucester area. An alert was circulated by the NBCS to both their business and Police networks. As a result, Gloucestershire Police contacted the NBCS with further details of an offence involving the theft of power tools from a DIY Retailer member.

Subsequent enquiries with the retailer found that a vehicle had been seen making off from the scene. The NBCS shared this information with the Police and also conducted a search of the StoreGuard database. Further liaison with the Police indicated that the registered owner of the vehicle was on bail for an offence against a third member business - a Grocery retailer. Avon and Somerset Police were therefore notified of the potential link to other offences and subsequently formally identified one of the offenders.

Information was also received from a non-member business, who identified the team as being involved in thefts from their store in the Wiltshire Police area. Analysis of the StoreGuard database showed that both vehicles had been in the area at the times of the offences. The NBCS collated all details of the offences and vehicles movements and shared this with the three Police forces involved.

Following a fail-to-appear at Bristol Magistrates Court there is now a warrant for the offender’s arrest. The NBCS continues to collate evidence for the Officer In Charge.


The National Business Crime Solution (NBCS) is a ‘Not for Profit’ Initiative that provides a collaborative solution to more effectively tackle cross border, serious and organised crime affecting business. It is supported by the National Police Chiefs Council, formerly ACPO. Through closer collaboration and an evidence-based approach, the NBCS has supported a number of businesses to reduce their exposure to business crime whilst also providing a safer environment for customers and staff. www.nationalbusinesscrimesolution.com

Since 2005, StoreGuard has pioneered innovative vehicle tracking security solutions, helping to prevent and detect crime. Protecting retail parks, petrol forecourts and standalone stores from retail fraud estimated to reach £6 billion in 2015.  For more information visit www.storeguard.co.uk


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