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Action Fraud reveals details of lockdown losers

Just days after non-essential stores have been allowed to re-open, a stark warning has been issued relating to the multi-million pound online frauds committed in the three months since they were forced to close.

Action Fraud is warning members of the public to remain vigilant and take extra care online in the wake of statistics showing that no less than 16,352 people fell victim to online shopping and auction fraud during the lockdown period.

Since 23 March, Action Fraud has received reports of online shopping fraud totalling £16.6million in losses.

Members of the public have reported buying mobile phones (19 per cent), vehicles (22 per cent), electronics such as games consoles, AirPods and MacBooks (10 per cent), and footwear (4 per cent) on sites such as eBay (18 per cent), Facebook (18 per cent), Gumtree (10 per cent) and Depop (6 per cent), only for the purchased items never to arrive.

Nearly a quarter of victims (24 per cent) were aged between 18 and 26 and residing in cities including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Liverpool, Bristol and Nottingham.

Pauline Smith, head of Action Fraud, explained: “The global outbreak of Coronavirus has seen all our lives turn upside down. With the lockdown being introduced, so many more people are now online shopping, including those who have never done so before. It’s therefore somewhat unsurprising that there has been an increase in fraud being committed.

“However, we’re still seeing young people in their 20s falling victim. This has been the case for the last 18 months which implies this is not just a trend brought about because of COVID-19. We would make a plea to this group to take extra care when shopping online.”

Smith added: “It’s important to shop on sites that people know and trust. If you’re using a site you’ve not used before, do your research and check reviews before making a purchase. Always be wary of e-mails, texts and social media posts that offer products for considerably less than their normal price as this is a common tactic used by criminals. Where possible, use a credit card to make online purchases as this will offer you more protection if anything does go wrong.”

Ben Russell, deputy director at the National Economic Crime Centre, said: “We are working with our partners in policing, Government and the private sector to look at ways in which to design out fraud and help protect the public. We all have a part to play in preventing fraud, and a big element of this is down to our own vigilance. When buying from another person online, don’t send money up front. Use a credit card if possible and always remember that, if something looks too good to be true, it probably is.”

*For more information on how to shop online safely visit actionfraud.police.uk/shoponlinesafely

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