LP Magazine EU











Using SWOT as Interview Preparation

Preparation is essential to any investigative interview and due diligence is key.  But have you ever conducted a SWOT analysis as part of your preparation?  

I am sure many of you are aware that SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.  As you prepare for your interviews you should take the time to look at where your investigation is strongest, as this will serve as the foundation for your interview strategy.  You should also look at where the investigation is weakest and ask yourself, “Do I need to go back and double check anything? Is the investigation thorough enough?”  It will be very important to look at what opportunities may be ahead during the interview and consider, “What other crimes or violations could they be involved with? Who else could be involved? How can I identify more evidence during the interview?”  Finally, evaluate potential threats by asking “Is there any legitimate explanation for what happened? Could anything unexpected arise during the interview?”  

Completing the SWOT process will give you a much clearer picture and a more complete strategy when you begin your interviews. 

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