LP Magazine EU











River Island reduces garment theft by 60 per cent at flagship store 

River Island has reported a reduction in retail theft of 60 per cent on garments at its flagship store on Oxford Street following the introduction of new security tag technology.

The fashion retailer achieved the result after their profit protection team made the switch to Agon Systems’ device the Concept Tag.

The switch also saw a reduction in theft of non-tagged items by 27 per cent at the Marble Arch Park House store, with would-be thieves being deterred from coming into a store entirely once they realised the change had been made.

The fashion retailer installed the Concept Tag at all three of its Oxford Street stores, as well as a fourth in Rotterdam’s Lijnbaan shopping district, in April 2016 for a 12-month trial. Approximately 60,000 tags were sent to each store.

Agon Systems – master distributors of the Concept Tag – has since sent the device to a further 10 stores, with two more to follow later this year in the Netherlands and Sweden.

Helen Tierney, senior profit protection manager at River Island, said: “When we agreed to trial the Concept Tag I knew it would help reduce our retail losses from theft. However, I didn’t expect it to be as effective as it’s been so far – or so quickly.”

“The fact that shoplifters are moving to other stores as they know they’ll have no luck removing the tag is fantastic and it’s especially welcome when it’s a River Island store in such a high-profile location as Oxford Street.”

Sean Welch, managing director of Agon Systems, added: “We’re delighted that River Island has decided to expand their use of the Concept Tag to more locations on the back of a highly successful initial implementation.”

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